Friday, 29 November 2013

What is Cholesterol?

That is, down drinking should not be recommended in place of well-proven cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Also, some researchers have raised concerns about possible adverse effects from heavy consumption of green tea or its extract.

For example, a dozen reports indicate that the drink produces liver damage, and may also interact with certain medications to reduce their effectiveness. View more Detail:

Yet scientists believe that lower doses of tea could be a useful component of a healthy diet for the heart, with benefits that may go beyond its effect on cholesterol.

What is Cholesterol?

Almost all the cells in our body can produce cholesterol.

Liver cells only produce 50 quintillion cholesterol particles per second, storing. Gall 70% of them, in the form of bile salts Cholesterol is not food, is a carrier; When you eat fat, cholesterol vesicular sends the duodenum (first part for Delano intestine) to transport it to the blood and cells .

Cells are left with the fat and cholesterol remains in the blood.
 If it stays in the blood, will be housed in the inner vessel walls, causing atherosclerosis and narrowing of the vessels

To be cleared from the blood, cholesterol needs to be loaded by HDL2, which is the good cholesterol. 's HDL2 is only produced by the cellules physical exercise. It carries cholesterol from the blood and leads into the intestines.

If permanence cholesterol in the intestine, will be affixed to the inside walls and become a carcinogenic factor. 

Monday, 25 November 2013

Personality Disorders

Hypochondria - For hypochondriac denote an individual who has permanent and unfounded fears about their physical health. In a lighter scale, it is quite normal, but in severe forms, can be a serious problem hypochondriac. The common symptoms include pain anywhere in the body, which are resistant to all treatment.

Personality disorders - Number of various problems that can arise from the disruption of the personality, can hardly with paranoid personality is oversensitive, touchy enemy reacts to the slightest criticism. Among the hardest personality disorder include psychopathy. Psychopaths do not have the ability to establish a loving relationship or friendship and behave extremely impulsive. Find Out More info Acne No More Review

Schizophrenia - It starts suddenly, the patient begins to behave in an unusual way. There are often sound and voice hallucinations abnormality and the patient may not be aware of their delusion. In some cases, the coming changes gradually nearly a quarter of people with schizophrenia returns and runs for years chronically.

Brain Damage - The brain can be damaged by injury or toxic substances. Symptoms are then dependent on the nature of the damage and on the fact whether or not a permanent damage.

Dementia - In about one person in ten after 65 years of age will develop a senile dementia. Early symptoms include forgetfulness and difficulty with judgment. Old memories persist longer, but gradually they are disturbed.