Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Basic Rules of Eating

Protein food not fit her - That is, meat and fish dishes are best eaten with cheese and no eggs, and vegetables.

Basic rules of eating - Do not eat immediately after strenuous exercise. The fact is that after exercise, hard work or nervous overstrain the body needs time to start secrete digestive juices. Convenience Diet Foods

Do not immediately after a meal to start the hard work or going to bed. The best thing you can do is relax or leisurely walk.

It is not recommended to drink before, during and after any concerns to drinks: water, milk, coffee, tea, juice and soda water. They dilute the gastric juice, preventing normal digestion. So wait a little at least for an hour or an afternoon cup of tea and do not drink a lot of fluids before meals. If you absolutely refuse to eat cold food, drink water as much as possible, and preferably in small sips.

Do not finish the meal - eating that fruit fairly quickly digested, and getting into the stomach full of other food and not being able to go out, start to rot, causing fermentation.

Thoroughly chew. Treated saliva and well chopped food is better digested. "Who eats quickly, eats a lot?" - Chinese proverb. Indeed, food is not swallowed chunks leads to saturation. On power mode - If you cannot or do not want to change your diet - it's time to change the diet!

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