Monday, 16 December 2013

For care of genitals choose gels and soaps

For care of genitals choose gels and soaps, which have the same pH, as your intimate zone.

And of course:
•    Eat healthy food, fresh vegetables and fruits.
•    Alcohol, coffee, junk food and smoking is also bad for the smell, so that reduce the consumption of alcoholic drinks and the number of cigarettes.
•    Wear underwear made from natural fabrics that will not irritate the skin (as if it did not look sexy). Besides, different diseases may arise from frequent wearing thong.
•    Add apple cider vinegar to the water bath to restore the pH of the vagina.

Do not use vaginal deodorants for its intended purpose, as it may harm its natural flora. If necessary, deodorize underwear. When you need to treat cataracts - doctor's opinion - Cataract is known as vision problem, which in old age overtakes many. However, to a certain stage doctors refer to it without proper attention. In this cataract is not a sentence, you have to put up with. This opinion was expressed portal chief physician leading ophthalmologist Andrew Kostecki. See More Here: Fat Loss Factor Review

Yes, cataracts - is age-related disease. It is associated with lens opacification. Clouding occurs as a result of metabolic disorders of the eye and the body as a whole. After 60 years of cataracts in varying degrees can be found from any even one who have vision. But not everyone pays due attention to the deterioration of vision or do not notice it until faced with blindness.

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