Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Today itself disease rickets

Vitamin D - In XVII century was known childhood disease rickets. Manifestation of it’s expressed in sleep disturbance, sweating, irritability, delayed dentition and closing fontanelle. And so the heal at all was unpleasant - so unloved children cod liver oil. Of the sun's rays while nobody knew. It was only in 1913, a Polish doctor experimentally revealed the influence of sunlight to reduce the symptoms of rickets in children. He determined that ergosterol (an element contained in our skin) exposure to sunlight is converted into vitamin D, which is the shortage of babies, can develop rickets, and in adults may porosity and brittleness of bones. Convenience Diet Foods or Natural Sources

Today itself disease rickets - a rare occurrence, but experts say: after 30-35 years the bone mass in women is reduced by approximately 10%, and men - 5%. And the first such reduction unnoticed, but after 50 years, many feel: weakens the bone structure, and bone porosity develops that causes pain. These bone pain is often mistaken for salt deposition or rheumatic. But if you watch, you will find that the discomfort appear with the onset of winter in those people who are rarely in the sun. Summer stock of vitamin D is not too large, and the body begins to suffer from its lack. Doctors often prescribe in such cases walks in the mountains and ski runs, the effect of UV radiation and vitamin D.

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