Sunday, 15 December 2013

Melon Contains A Huge Amount Of Healthy Vitamins

In melon contains a huge amount of healthy vitamins - A, C, B2, B6, B9, E, niacin and pantothenic acid, which strengthens the body, improve the structure and appearance of the skin, hair and nails silica, which is also contained in a melon, the effect of improving brain function and normalizes metabolism. Folic acid (B9), and raise the level of hemoglobin iron.

Melon - a great antioxidant as vitamins C and E have a protective effect, not allowing developing free radicals that cause cell death or mutation. Melon prolongs youth and beauty of the skin, helps to eliminate toxins from the body, and all thanks to a mild laxative effect. Cough bruised knees and abrasions, bruises and scratches and cure packs of flesh melons. Muscle Building Guide

In melon contains gold and special substances that produce serotonin - a well-known hormone of happiness. So that only one slice of melon can lift your mood and cause positive emotions. Melon effectively helps in diets, as it promotes the burning of fat. Many nutritionists believe that the fight against excess weight you will have enough to eat for a week over 2 kg of pulp per day. The truth is not worth doing it at once, and Consuming melons, at least 5 times. Thus you will be able to correct and improve metabolism, cleanse the bowels and get rid of extra pounds.

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