Friday, 13 December 2013

The Treatment Of Osteoporosis

The treatment of osteoporosis
Drugs and Supplements

Osteoporosis cannot be cured, but if you suffer from osteoporosis, it is important to prevent fractures. You can with medicines and dietary supplements.

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If a DXA scan shows a T-score of -2.5 or less, or a vertebral height measurement shows that you have a vertebral, you get the diagnosis osteoporosis or bone loss. In order to prevent bone fractures is then started directly with the treatment. Professor Willem Elms of the VU Medical Center explains how looks that treatment

"The treatment of osteoporosis generally consists of an anti-osteoporosis drug and a calcium and vitamin D supplement without the latter two drug works less well, most people -.. Mostly elderly - have either not enough inside, but before a supplement is prescribed, it determines the course doctor whether you actually need it.

Bishops phonates
Most of osteoporosis patients are prescribed alien donate or rise donate. Both drugs are bishops phonate and inhibit bone restoration. Allen donate and rise donate are very effective in the prevention of bone fractures.

Even the risk of the main fracture - for the hip - is lower. Additionally, they are cheap, we have many years of experience and there are side effects usually do it. The bishops phonate alien donate sometimes also contains vitamin D . For many older people this is very nice: it saves them back an extra pill to swallow.

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